• 比亞迪創立30周年:新能源汽車產量突破1000萬輛,穩居全球第一
    (圖/比亞迪) 比亞迪迎來創立 30 周年之際,再次刷新全球汽車產業紀錄。11 月 18 日,比亞迪在深圳舉辦慶祝活動,宣告第 1000 萬輛新能源汽車正式下線,成為全球首家達成此成就的車廠。這一里程碑不僅鞏固了比亞迪在新能源市場的領先地位,也標誌著中國汽車工業向高品質發展的新階段。 三十年堅持技術創新,從零到全球領先 比亞迪成立於 1995 年,最初僅有 20 名員工,專注於充電電池的製造。隨著電池技術的突破,比亞迪於 2005 年進軍汽車市場,並於 2008 年推出首款新能源汽車F3DM,開啟新能源領域的探索。2011年,比亞迪新能源汽車產量達到100萬輛,並在2022年全面停止內燃機汽車生產,專注於純電動和插電式混合動力車型。...
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  • 小米電動車業務再創佳績:年度交付目標提升至13萬輛
     (圖/小米) 小米集團近日公佈2024年第三季度財報,展示了其電動車業務的強勁表現。隨著需求不斷攀升,小米決定將旗下首款電動車 SU7系列的年度交付目標從原定的 12 萬輛上調至 13 萬輛,提前完成了原定10萬輛的交付目標,展現出強大的市場動能。 SU7 銷量攀升,成績卓越 SU7自今年3月正式上市以來,憑藉其三款車型(Standard、Pro、Max)和後續推出的 Ultra 版本,吸引了廣大消費者關注。截至第三季度末,小米已累計交付 67,157 輛,其中僅第三季度就交付 39,790 輛。SU7 以起價 21.59 萬人民幣的策略性定價,成功在市場上佔據優勢。 這款車的高銷量不僅得益於價格優勢,還源於其與小米生態系統的深度整合。SU7 是一款高度連網的電動車,能與小米智慧裝置無縫連接。此外,小米在軟體和自動駕駛技術方面的積累,也使其在市場競爭中保持領先地位。...
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  • Jaguar unveils new logo ahead of electric relaunch

    Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/jaguar-unveils-new-logo-ahead-of-electric-relaunch

    Luxury car manufacturer Jaguar has unveiled a new logo and branding ahead of its relaunch as an electric-only brand.

    The British vehicle maker, owned by Tata Motors, will launch three new electric cars in 2026, having taken new cars off sale more than a year ago to focus on reinventing the brand.

    As part of its rebrand, Jaguar revealed a brand new logo on Tuesday, alongside a new prancing "leaper" cat design and marketing slogans such as "delete ordinary".

    The new bespoke logo, written as JaGUar, has "seamlessly blended upper and lower case characters in visual harmony", the company said.

    Jaguar, which has sites around the country including in Warwickshire, Coventry, Solihull and Castle Bromwich, announced its transition to electric vehicles in 2021.

    Managing director Rawdon Glover said taking new cars off sale was "intentional" as it looked to create a barrier between the old models and the new Jaguar vehicles.

    "We need to change people's perceptions of what Jaguar stands for," he said.

    "And that's not a straightforward, easy thing to do. So having a fire break in between old and new is, actually, very helpful."

    Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) chief creative officer Gerry McGovern said Jaguar had "its roots in originality" and that its founder, Sir William Lyons, believed it "should be a copy of nothing."

    The new Jaguar brand was "imaginative, bold and artistic" and "unique and fearless," he added.

    The first car within the new brand would be a four-door GT built in Solihull, West Midlands, JLR previously said.
    Jaguar unveils new logo ahead of electric relaunch Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/jaguar-unveils-new-logo-ahead-of-electric-relaunch Luxury car manufacturer Jaguar has unveiled a new logo and branding ahead of its relaunch as an electric-only brand. The British vehicle maker, owned by Tata Motors, will launch three new electric cars in 2026, having taken new cars off sale more than a year ago to focus on reinventing the brand. As part of its rebrand, Jaguar revealed a brand new logo on Tuesday, alongside a new prancing "leaper" cat design and marketing slogans such as "delete ordinary". The new bespoke logo, written as JaGUar, has "seamlessly blended upper and lower case characters in visual harmony", the company said. Jaguar, which has sites around the country including in Warwickshire, Coventry, Solihull and Castle Bromwich, announced its transition to electric vehicles in 2021. Managing director Rawdon Glover said taking new cars off sale was "intentional" as it looked to create a barrier between the old models and the new Jaguar vehicles. "We need to change people's perceptions of what Jaguar stands for," he said. "And that's not a straightforward, easy thing to do. So having a fire break in between old and new is, actually, very helpful." Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) chief creative officer Gerry McGovern said Jaguar had "its roots in originality" and that its founder, Sir William Lyons, believed it "should be a copy of nothing." The new Jaguar brand was "imaginative, bold and artistic" and "unique and fearless," he added. The first car within the new brand would be a four-door GT built in Solihull, West Midlands, JLR previously said.
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  • 福特面臨歐洲電動車挑戰:裁員重組以求突圍
     在電動車市場轉型的壓力下,福特汽車公司近日宣布,將進一步重組其歐洲業務,以提高成本競爭力並實現長期可持續發展。這項計劃包括在 2027 年底前裁減 4,000 名員工,主要影響德國和英國。這家擁有超過百年歷史的汽車巨頭在應對「高度顛覆性」的市場環境和新競爭者壓力下即將面臨更大的挑戰。 電動車轉型中的艱難抉擇 福特表示,歐洲經濟疲軟與電動車需求低於預期是此次裁員的重要原因。公司在新聞稿中指出,隨著市場對電動車的需求遲滯,原定於德國科隆工廠生產的新款電動車 Explorer 與 Capri 的產量計劃已被放緩。2025 年第一季度,科隆工廠將實行短期工作日以應對生產調整。 福特的電動車策略雖取得了一定進展,但市場現實仍不容樂觀。據報導,福特在歐洲的乘用車業務多年來持續虧損,尤其是在電動車的競爭中,面對中國企業如比亞迪的迅速崛起,以及歐洲本地強勢車企的壓力,處境更加艱難。...
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  • 比亞迪加速全球布局:即將在柬埔寨設立電動車製造工廠
    (圖/比亞迪) 中國電動車巨頭比亞迪正在推進其全球擴張戰略,即將在柬埔寨設立一座電動車(EV)製造工廠。目前,柬埔寨發展委員會(CDC)與比亞迪的談判已進入最後階段,並預計在明年產生實質成果。這將是繼豐田和福特等國際汽車品牌之後,柬埔寨吸引的又一家重要電動車製造商,進一步鞏固其作為東南亞汽車製造樞紐的地位。 柬埔寨總理:多元化發展促進經濟增長 柬埔寨首相洪馬內在皇家金邊大學的畢業典禮上指出,吸引比亞迪這樣的全球領導品牌,是柬埔寨經濟轉型的重要一步。他強調,依賴製衣業的經濟結構已難以滿足現代化需求,必須通過技能提升和吸引高附加值投資來推動產業升級。洪馬內特別提到,柬埔寨的基本技能教育為靈活培訓奠定了基礎,能夠滿足包括汽車製造業在內的技術需求,讓外國投資者對當地人力資源充滿信心。 (圖/比亞迪) 比亞迪的擴張步伐...
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  • Xiaomi SUV will launch in Q1 of 2025 according to company insiders

    Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/xiaomi-suv-will-launch-in-q1-of-2025-according-to-company-insiders

    Chinese media reports that Xiaomi’s second model, the forthcoming SUV, currently code-named MX11, will launch in the first quarter of 2025. It is also known that the production version of the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be officially released in March 2025.

    According to one Xiaomi insider source, the SUV will be launched in February or March. However, another source close to Xiaomi Auto says that the SUV launch will match the rhythm of the SU7 launch. The SU7 launched earlier this year on March 28, with deliveries commencing a few days later.

    Although officially an SUV, the style of the car is very low, and many Internet users have pointed out that the car has a shape and silhouette similar to that of the Ferrari Purosangue. However, it is also obvious that some of the design elements of the SU7 are carried over into the new car, such as the headlights, continuous tail lights, frameless doors, and semi-hidden door handles.

    While there is currently no shortage of renderings of what the car will look like, actual pictures of the car still show heavily camouflaged test models. Recently, one Weibo user reported seeing and supplied a video of Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally testing the Xiaomi SUV on the highway.

    Spy shots of the interior show that the new car will differ significantly from the Xiaomi SU7, at least in terms of the center console design. On the SU7, there is a row of buttons going vertically down the left side near the driver, controlling various functions such as the spoiler and air suspension. These are absent from the new SUV, which has just wireless mobile phone chargers, cup holders, and a central armrest with a cubbyhole inside.

    It is expected that Xiaomi will take a similar approach to pricing the new SUV as with the SU7. The sedan prices deliberately started lower than the Tesla Model 3 with the base Standard model, matching the starting price with the Pro, and exceeding it with the Max. Most probably, the SUV prices will similarly be matched to those of the Tesla Model Y. Currently, in China, the Tesla Model Y is priced from 249,900 yuan (34,500 USD) to 354,900 yuan (48,950 USD). This means that the starting price of the Xiaomi SUV should be significantly under 250,000 yuan (34,500 USD).

    Xiaomi is working day and night to finish F2, the second phase of its factory. However, it is unlikely that the factory will be complete and put into production before the summer of 2025. The existing factory already works two shifts and is unable to keep up with demand for the SU7, which may inhibit the company’s plans to launch the SUV in Q1.

    It is likely that the SUV will sell even better than the sedan. With the first phase of the factory already pushed to supply the sedan, launching the SUV without the second phase of the factory being completed could be a mistake. Another possibility is that the first factory will switch to a three-shift pattern to try to maximize resources.
    Xiaomi SUV will launch in Q1 of 2025 according to company insiders Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/xiaomi-suv-will-launch-in-q1-of-2025-according-to-company-insiders Chinese media reports that Xiaomi’s second model, the forthcoming SUV, currently code-named MX11, will launch in the first quarter of 2025. It is also known that the production version of the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be officially released in March 2025. According to one Xiaomi insider source, the SUV will be launched in February or March. However, another source close to Xiaomi Auto says that the SUV launch will match the rhythm of the SU7 launch. The SU7 launched earlier this year on March 28, with deliveries commencing a few days later. Although officially an SUV, the style of the car is very low, and many Internet users have pointed out that the car has a shape and silhouette similar to that of the Ferrari Purosangue. However, it is also obvious that some of the design elements of the SU7 are carried over into the new car, such as the headlights, continuous tail lights, frameless doors, and semi-hidden door handles. While there is currently no shortage of renderings of what the car will look like, actual pictures of the car still show heavily camouflaged test models. Recently, one Weibo user reported seeing and supplied a video of Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally testing the Xiaomi SUV on the highway. Spy shots of the interior show that the new car will differ significantly from the Xiaomi SU7, at least in terms of the center console design. On the SU7, there is a row of buttons going vertically down the left side near the driver, controlling various functions such as the spoiler and air suspension. These are absent from the new SUV, which has just wireless mobile phone chargers, cup holders, and a central armrest with a cubbyhole inside. It is expected that Xiaomi will take a similar approach to pricing the new SUV as with the SU7. The sedan prices deliberately started lower than the Tesla Model 3 with the base Standard model, matching the starting price with the Pro, and exceeding it with the Max. Most probably, the SUV prices will similarly be matched to those of the Tesla Model Y. Currently, in China, the Tesla Model Y is priced from 249,900 yuan (34,500 USD) to 354,900 yuan (48,950 USD). This means that the starting price of the Xiaomi SUV should be significantly under 250,000 yuan (34,500 USD). Xiaomi is working day and night to finish F2, the second phase of its factory. However, it is unlikely that the factory will be complete and put into production before the summer of 2025. The existing factory already works two shifts and is unable to keep up with demand for the SU7, which may inhibit the company’s plans to launch the SUV in Q1. It is likely that the SUV will sell even better than the sedan. With the first phase of the factory already pushed to supply the sedan, launching the SUV without the second phase of the factory being completed could be a mistake. Another possibility is that the first factory will switch to a three-shift pattern to try to maximize resources.
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  • 特斯拉與 Rivian 長達四年的商業機密訴訟將達成有條件的和解
     (圖/Tesla) 特斯拉公司於近日宣布,已在針對 Rivian 汽車公司的一起商業機密竊盜訴訟中達成「有條件」和解。這起訴訟自 2020 年展開,特斯拉指控 Rivian 透過挖角前特斯拉員工,企圖非法獲取其電動車核心技術。 長達四年的法律糾紛特斯拉在 2020 年對 Rivian 提起訴訟,指控後者通過招募特斯拉的前員工來獲取高度機密的商業資訊。特斯拉聲稱,這些員工在加入 Rivian 時攜帶了包括專有工程數據和技術資料在內的敏感文件,涉嫌侵犯特斯拉的商業機密權益。 一年後,特斯拉進一步擴大了訴訟範圍,指控 Rivian 專門竊取其下一代電池技術,這可能涉及特斯拉 4680 電池芯或結構電池組等核心技術。然而,Rivian 一直否認相關指控,並強調其行為合法合規。...
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  • 中國特斯拉推出 Model Y 尾款減免活動,加碼年底促銷優惠
     (圖/特斯拉) 為刺激年底市場需求,特斯拉於 11 月 25 日宣布在中國推出針對  Model Y 的限時優惠活動:凡於 2023 年 11 月 25 日至 12 月 31 日期間下訂並完成交付,即可享受尾款減免 10,000 元人民幣 的折扣。同時,這項優惠可疊加特斯拉的五年 0 利率融資政策,進一步吸引消費者入手特斯拉最熱銷車型 Model Y。 全球多地掀起促銷攻勢特斯拉此次優惠活動,是其在第四季度推動銷售增長的重要舉措之一。作為全球電動車市場的領導者,特斯拉一向在季度末通過多種方式刺激需求。然而,本季度的促銷力度尤其明顯,涵蓋了中國、美國、歐洲等主要市場,目標是打破第四季度交付 515,000 輛 的歷史新高紀錄,比去年同期增加約 30,000 輛,從而確保全年銷量保持穩定增長。...
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  • 電動車市場放緩,保時捷重心轉向燃油與混合動力車型
     (圖/porsche) 隨著全球電動車市場增長放緩,豪華汽車品牌 保時捷 正重新調整電動化策略,計劃在現有電動車陣容之外,推出多款 汽油動力 和混合動力車型,以應對電動車銷量下降的挑戰。 調整目標:電動化轉型不再「激進」保時捷早前曾訂下 2030 年電動車佔銷量 80% 的目標,但在 7 月時已放棄該計畫。主要原因之一是其唯一量產電動車型 Taycan 在 2024 年前三季度的銷量大幅下降了 **50%**。保時捷財務長 Lutz Meschke 在第三季財報電話會議中坦言:「純電動車的轉型正在放緩。」 這一放緩不僅限於中國市場,在歐洲和美國的需求也受到影響。儘管保時捷於今年稍早推出了 2025 款升級版 Taycan ,改善了續航、性能與設計,但銷量增長依然未達預期。 Meschke 表示,豪華汽車市場的部分消費者仍然對內燃機車型充滿興趣。因此,保時捷將推出更新版的...
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  • 加州反擊川普電動車政策:推新補貼計畫或排除特斯拉
     (圖/特斯拉) 隨著美國前總統唐納·川普計劃取消現行 7,500 美元聯邦電動車稅收抵免,加州州長 加文·紐森 (Gavin Newsom) 迅速做出回應,宣布提議推出全新的州級電動車退稅計畫,若聯邦稅收抵免被取消,加州居民將有機會獲得 7,500 美元的州稅收退稅。然而,特斯拉或將被排除在這項補貼計畫之外,引發熱議。 特斯拉恐無緣加州新補貼紐森辦公室於本週一(11 月 25 日)表示,如果川普取消聯邦電動車稅收抵免,加州新的退稅方案可能不會涵蓋  特斯拉 。這一決策背後是為了鼓勵較小型和新興的電動車製造商進入市場,促進行業競爭與創新。 對此,特斯拉執行長 埃隆·馬斯克 在社群平台 X(原...
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