• 凱米颱風來襲!嘉義縣50公分以上淹水戶補助加碼至1萬




    (圖/中央社CNA) (圖/嘉義縣政府)

    凱米颱風來襲!嘉義縣50公分以上淹水戶補助加碼至1萬 凱米颱風侵襲嘉義縣,導致多處淹水,為此嘉義縣政府宣布將追加補助。根據縣府說明,淹水達50公分以上的住戶,每戶可獲得縣府加碼1萬元,連同中央政府的2萬元補助,共計3萬元。若受災住戶屬於低收入戶或中低收入戶,賑災基金會將額外補助1萬元,總計可獲4萬元。 對於淹水未達50公分的住戶,嘉義縣政府將每戶提供5千元的補助金。此外,屬於低收入或中低收入戶的受災住戶,除5千元補助外,賑災基金會還將加碼1萬元,使這些住戶總共可獲1.5萬元。 縣長翁章梁指示,各鄉鎮市公所需「從速、從簡、從寬」處理補助事宜,盡全力協助災民儘快恢復正常生活,促進災區迅速重建。社會局進一步表示,淹水補助以一門牌為一戶計算,若同一建物內有不同獨立生活的住戶,將依事實進行認定和補助。 (圖/中央社CNA) (圖/嘉義縣政府) 優質SUBARU車主顧問-台南中西久億車主顧問-利辰沅 https://reurl.cc/7d26Md
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  • Indonesia, a resource-rich nation, is setting its sights on Africa as a significant market for locally produced electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, recently announced this strategic move, recognizing the continent's growth potential and abundant cobalt resources.

    Source : https://evlife.my/blog/indonesia-aims-to-tap-africa%27s-ev-battery-market

    Why Africa?

    1. Population Growth: By 2045, Africa's population is estimated to double, making it a substantial market for EVs. Indonesia aims to capitalize on this demographic shift.

    2. Cobalt Supply: Africa boasts a better cobalt supply than Indonesia. Collaborating with African countries allows Indonesia to access this critical resource for EV batteries.

    Key Developments

    - First EV Battery Plant: On July 3, Indonesia launched its first EV battery plant—a joint venture between South Korean manufacturers Hyundai Motor Group and LG Energy Solution. This facility can produce up to 10 gigawatt hours (GWh) of battery cells annually.

    - Ongoing Partnerships: Indonesia already collaborates with African countries in various sectors. State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina has worked with Kenya, while state-owned utility company PT PLN has partnered with South Africa.

    Challenges and Ambitions

    - Production Share: Despite efforts to boost local battery production, Indonesia is expected to contribute less than 0.4% of the world's total EV battery energy in 2024. However, President Joko Widodo's vision positions Indonesia as a global player in the EV supply chain.

    - CATL's Delayed Plan: China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co (CATL) planned to construct an EV battery plant in Indonesia but faced delays. State-owned miner PT Antam is set to partner with CATL for this project.


    Indonesia's strategic move to target Africa's EV battery market aligns with its ambition to become a key player in the global EV industry. By leveraging Africa's cobalt resources and fostering collaborations, Indonesia aims to drive sustainable growth in the electric mobility sector.

    Indonesia, a resource-rich nation, is setting its sights on Africa as a significant market for locally produced electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, recently announced this strategic move, recognizing the continent's growth potential and abundant cobalt resources. Source : https://evlife.my/blog/indonesia-aims-to-tap-africa%27s-ev-battery-market Why Africa? 1. Population Growth: By 2045, Africa's population is estimated to double, making it a substantial market for EVs. Indonesia aims to capitalize on this demographic shift. 2. Cobalt Supply: Africa boasts a better cobalt supply than Indonesia. Collaborating with African countries allows Indonesia to access this critical resource for EV batteries. Key Developments - First EV Battery Plant: On July 3, Indonesia launched its first EV battery plant—a joint venture between South Korean manufacturers Hyundai Motor Group and LG Energy Solution. This facility can produce up to 10 gigawatt hours (GWh) of battery cells annually. - Ongoing Partnerships: Indonesia already collaborates with African countries in various sectors. State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina has worked with Kenya, while state-owned utility company PT PLN has partnered with South Africa. Challenges and Ambitions - Production Share: Despite efforts to boost local battery production, Indonesia is expected to contribute less than 0.4% of the world's total EV battery energy in 2024. However, President Joko Widodo's vision positions Indonesia as a global player in the EV supply chain. - CATL's Delayed Plan: China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co (CATL) planned to construct an EV battery plant in Indonesia but faced delays. State-owned miner PT Antam is set to partner with CATL for this project. Conclusion Indonesia's strategic move to target Africa's EV battery market aligns with its ambition to become a key player in the global EV industry. By leveraging Africa's cobalt resources and fostering collaborations, Indonesia aims to drive sustainable growth in the electric mobility sector.
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  • 轟動市場!全新「台灣大通」Maxus G50 Plus即將亮相,環境部測試順利過關
    去年底,中華汽車傳出將引進全新品牌上汽大通Maxus的消息,最近在環境部的噪音測試與新車審驗資料中,發現裕隆汽車送檢了Maxus G50 Plus,並計劃以「台灣大通」的品牌名稱進入市場。這一動向表明Maxus G50 Plus即將在台灣上市。 根據審驗資料,Maxus G50 Plus以單一車型配置為主,顯示新車正在為上市做準備。此次引進Maxus品牌與之前預期由中華汽車代理不同,送測的廠商是「裕隆汽車製造股份有限公司」。雖然中華汽車也是裕隆體系的一部分,但這次Maxus的引進策略與之前的MG品牌有所不同。 查看環境部的新車審驗資料庫顯示,「裕隆汽車製造股份有限公司」負責的品牌車款包括Luxgen、Nissan與Infiniti等,而「中華汽車工業股份有限公司」則代理CMC、Mitsubishi和MG。這次Maxus由裕隆送測,最終品牌發表形式尚需進一步揭曉。...
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  • 國產化新制8月實施:零件目標35% 中華車MG、日產、和泰如何應對?
    (圖/MG/cnyes) 隨著MG品牌在台灣市場的熱銷,更多中國大陸汽車品牌計畫進軍台灣。為保護本地汽車產業,經濟部將於8月1日實施「在地化供應鏈合作價值比率要求」,要求在台銷售的中國大陸品牌汽車達到一定比例的零件自製率。 新規定針對已上市和未上市車款有不同要求。對於在2023年前取得合格販售證的車款,從今年8月1日起,第一年需達到20%的零件自製率,第二年提高到30%,第三年則需達到35%。 對於2024年上市的車款,第一年要求達到15%的零件自製率,第二年需達到25%,第三年達到35%。未上市的車款將比照2024年上市車款的標準執行。...
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  • 2024年7月台灣新車掛牌數 45,678 輛,暑假正熱,車市銷售也火燙
    暑假來了,在多數人都選擇在此時旗出遊的同時,台灣車市也迎來了一波爆發,今年 7 月總市場掛牌數出爐,45678輛 的佳績,不僅跟去年同期相比增長7.8%,比起上個月更成長 9.8%。 Toyota CC 保持著一貫的領先態勢, 絲毫未見疲態,甚至跟上個月相比更是有著快一倍的交車量,國產電動車 Luxgen n7 在 7 月仍舊有著破千交車量的好成績。 而作為新興國產大勢的 MG HS,在上個月卻是表現下滑,無法維持破千的交車表現。 在進口車方面,位居榜首的 Toyota RAV4 在上個月也略有提升,而 Lexus NX 也表現亮眼,跟 6 月相比有了超過 30%的顯著提升,前兩個也是唯二在 7 月交車破千輛的進口車款。...
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  • 比亞迪 BYD 公布其 7 月新能源車銷售成績達 342383 輛,再創紀錄!
    (圖/比亞迪) 比亞迪在微博公布了其 7 月份的銷售成績,他們在上個月新能源車總共銷售超過 34 萬輛,創下銷售新紀錄,並在插電式混合動力車方面表現亮眼。 銷售數據 比亞迪 7 月新能源車銷售總共達 342383 輛,在乘用車方面為 340,799 ,與去年同期相比增加了 30.5%。 在總成績上也打破了 6 月創下的 341,658 輛歷史紀錄。 從旗下品牌系列來細分: 比亞迪汽車王朝丨海洋系列銷售了 328,178輛騰勢汽車銷售 10,340 輛仰望汽車銷售 439 輛方程豹汽車銷售 1842 輛 在乘用車出口上,30,014 的出口銷量也比起去年增加了 62.5%。 插電式混合動力車是 7 月持續引領成長的關鍵因素,在 7 月其銷量達到 210,799 輛,較去年同期相比成長 67%,也較上季成長 8%。純電動車銷量雖然較 6 月下滑了 10% 左右,但比亞迪上月仍售出大約...
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  • 震撼消息!Uber將部署10萬輛比亞迪電動車!
    (圖/terra)Uber與中國電動車製造商比亞迪宣佈達成一項長期全球合作協議,計劃在其平台上投入10萬輛比亞迪電動車,並且共同開發自動駕駛技術。根據澎湃新聞報導,這次合作將首先在歐洲和拉丁美洲展開,隨後逐步擴展到中東、加拿大、澳洲和紐西蘭等地。為了支持駕駛員,雙方還將提供充電、維修保養、保險折扣以及融資租賃等服務,具體措施將依市場需求而定。 (圖/paultan.org) 根據公告顯示,電動車的價格及融資管道仍然是駕駛員採購電動車的主要阻礙。而比亞迪電動車因其價格實惠、維修保養成本低及車型多樣,被認為非常適合共享出行需求。雖然公告未明確指出比亞迪將提供哪款車型,但宣傳圖片中顯示了比亞迪海豹、海豹U SUV和Atto 3 SUV三款車型。 (圖/paultan.org)...
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