• 引領潮流!第七代 Transporter 廂型車德國亮相,還添純電動力選項!
    (圖/motor1)Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) 發表了全新的Transporter系列廂型車,涵蓋廂式貨車Kombi、9人座廂型車Caravelle及越野風格的PanAmericana版本。這款車與福特共享平台,基於Tourneo Custom,提供柴油渦輪、插電式混合動力及純電動力三種選擇,滿足不同客戶的需求。 新一代Transporter的車身尺寸進一步增加,長度達到5,050mm、寬度2,031mm、軸距3,100mm,比T6.1世代的車型更大。這樣的尺寸非常適合市區載運及配送需求。長軸版本的軸距達到3,500mm,車長達到5,450mm,貨艙深度可達3,002mm,載運空間提升至9立方公尺,為用戶提供更為寬敞的空間。...
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  • 中國新能源車達到了新里程碑,創下首次單月銷售超越燃油車的新記錄
    根據路透社的報導,中國在 7 月所銷售的所有汽車中,有超過一半是新型純電動車或插電式混合動力車,這個成就突顯了全球最大汽車市場在電動車領域的快速進展,超越了西方同行的採用速度。 7月份中國車市數據 根據中國乘用車市場資訊聯席會(CPCA)公布的數據,7 月新能源車(NEV)銷量同比增長 37%,佔全國汽車總銷量的 50.7%,創下歷史新高。 相比三年前,當時新能源車銷量還只有中國汽車總銷量的 7%。透過中國對電動車供應鏈的大規模投資,推動了國內電動車行業的蓬勃發展,讓許多老牌外資品牌不得不加快步伐追趕。 而根據美國能源信息署的數據,今年第一季度美國電動車和混合動力車的銷量佔比也不過為 18%。 中國新能源車的增長速度明顯加快,7月的銷量增幅達到 28.6%,高於6月的漲幅。而其中 7 月的純電動車部分銷量增長 14.3%,也高於 6 月的 9.9%。  ...
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  • 特斯拉退位!比亞迪如何迅速崛起成為電動車市場的新霸主?
    (圖/hkcd) 電動車市場的風向正在轉變,曾經的王者Tesla如今面臨挑戰。根據2023年第四季度的銷售數據顯示,Tesla共售出484,507輛電動車,而中國電動車大廠比亞迪(BYD,Build Your Dreams)則以526,409輛的成績超越了Tesla,成為新的電動車領頭羊。 (圖/bnext)汽車製造是個龐大的工程,涉及數以萬計的零件組裝,因此沒有任何一家車廠能夠完全自主生產所有零部件。以往的內燃機時代,一流車廠會自行掌控引擎、變速箱和車體等核心技術,但在電動車時代,許多傳統大廠將關鍵的電池技術交由第三方供應商,如日本松下、中國寧德時代和韓國三星。這一現象或許可以解釋為專業分工,但也可以視作降低成本的策略,見仁見智。...
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  • 史上最強國軍出擊!賴清德提「四個堅持」,7中將24少將晉升誓護國家生存!
    (圖/總統府新聞) 國軍於113年上半年晉升了7名中將與24名少將,這一動作受到廣泛關注。總統賴清德在今日(8日)的將官勗勉典禮上,再次強調了他的「四個堅持」原則,包括堅持中華民國與中華人民共和國互不隸屬,並重申主權絕不容侵犯。他表示,國軍的使命是打造一支鋼鐵般的精銳部隊,以實力捍衛國家安全,確保人民的生命財產得到保護。 在典禮上,賴清德特別表達了對國軍官兵及其家屬的感謝,稱他們在崗位上努力,為國奉獻,往往犧牲了與家人相處的寶貴時間。值此父親節之際,他向在場的國軍父親及其家屬致以誠摯的問候,感謝他們的支持和付出。...
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  • 突破價格壁壘!MG4 XPOWER:最速電車性能,僅售120萬以下
    (圖/www.mg.co.uk)全新MG4跨界純電休旅,憑藉雙動力配置和高性價比策略,正式進軍120萬元以下的「電動車市場空白區」。這款車型無論是在性能、設計還是價格定位上,都顯示出MG品牌對跨界休旅市場的強勢佈局。 此次推出的MG4系列包括兩款車型:售價99.9萬元的MG4 EV旗艦版和售價118.9萬元的MG4 XPOWER。這兩款車型針對不同消費者需求而設計,EV旗艦版強調長續航能力,而XPOWER則以大馬力性能為主打,雙車型皆具備極高性價比,成為市場上難以忽視的選擇。 (圖/www.mg.co.uk) MG Taiwan總經理陳宗裕指出,全新MG4不僅是品牌旗下的首款純電車型,更是目前台灣CUV市場中唯一的滿配純電跨界休旅。MG4將以創新者的姿態引領台灣電動車市場新風潮,並成為消費者入手百萬級EV的首選車款,這顯示出MG Taiwan在台灣電動車市場中擴大影響力的決心。...
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  • 特斯拉 Tesla 在加拿大也推出了電動皮卡 Cyber​​truck
    (圖/特斯拉) 早在2021年,特斯拉便宣布其電動皮卡 Cyber​​truck 的預訂量已超過 100 萬輛。 自從去年正式開始交車以來,只售出了大約 15,000 至 20,000 輛 Cyber​​truck。然而,正當特斯拉還在努力快速處理數量龐大的積壓訂單的時候,它們卻在加拿大也推出了 Cyber​​truck。 Cyber​​truck 的加拿大的售價 特斯拉公佈了目前的兩個版本在加拿大的定價: • Cyber​​truck AWD 基礎系列:137,990 加幣(約100,462美元) • Cyber​​beast 基礎系列:165,990 加幣(約120,847美元) 特斯在美國的定價: • Cyber​​truck AWD 基礎系列:79,990美元起 • Cyber​​beast 基礎系列:99,990 美元起...
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  • 進口車搶市!「禁陸令」重創台灣供應鏈
    (圖/中央社CNA) 史上最嚴「禁陸令」重擊台灣供應鏈 自8月起,經濟部施行史上最嚴格的國產化規定,針對大陸車款銷售進行嚴格限制,此舉將對台灣汽車供應鏈帶來深遠影響。MG品牌因被大陸上汽集團收購,成為這次政策的首要受害者。以MG在台灣每年銷售約2萬台來計算,直接經濟損失預估近百億元。再加上未來規劃導入的大陸車款以及因應新規導致的產線修改與違約風險,整體損失恐突破百億元。 這項新政策之所以引發爭議,不僅在於其對大陸車款的嚴苛定義,除了比亞迪、吉利、奇瑞等大陸自主品牌外,凡是與大陸有資本或生產鏈接的車款皆被納入限制範疇。此外,政策還具溯及既往效力,連已上市的車款都受影響,導致現有銷售直接受創。 MG品牌首當其衝...
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  • 特斯拉 Tesla 皮卡電動車 Cybertruck 的增程器正式推出,定價約 16,000 美元
    (圖/特斯拉) 特斯拉已經在美國官網宣布,Cybertruck 的增程器將於明年推出,預訂需支付 500 美元押金,並確定其價格約為 16,000 美元。 Cybertruck 推出增程器以達成承諾的續航里程 去年,特斯拉發布量產版 Cybertruck Foundations 時,許多消費者對其續航里程和定價表示失望。 特斯拉一向在定價方面表現不佳,但通常能達到其宣稱的技術規格。然而,Cybertruck 的續航里程與之前公布的數據相比出現了大幅下降,這引發了許多人的不滿。 針對這一點,特斯拉表示,它確實實現了所宣稱的續航里程,但這背後有一個重要前提。便是透過其即將推出的「增程器」,這是一個額外的電池組,安裝在卡車的車廂內,占據了車廂空間的約三分之一。這款增程器將把雙馬達版 Cybertruck 的續航里程從 340 英里提升至超過 470 英里,將 Cyberbeast...
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  • 新創品牌發佈超迷你電動小車!平價靈活,單身族必備,明年上路僅售22萬!
    (圖/kg-m.jp) 日本新創電動車品牌KG Motors在2023年東京改裝車展推出了他們的首款純電概念車「Minimum Mobility」,藉此打開市場知名度。近日,該公司宣布這款概念車的量產版將命名為「Mibot」,預計在2025年開始投產並上市銷售。Mibot的車身尺寸比一般的K-Car輕型車還要小,更加適合日本的都市交通和生活環境。 (圖/kg-m.jp) 隨著Citroen Ami和Opel Rocks-e等純電小車在歐洲市場的成功,日本市場也迎來了對小型電動車的需求,尤其是Nissan Sakura和Mitsubishi ek X EV等K-Car級距的輕型電動車銷量節節攀升。KG Motors看準了這一趨勢,推出Mibot這款更小巧的電動車型,瞄準入門市場,期望吸引消費者。 (圖/kg-m.jp) Mibot的車身尺寸為2,490 x 1,130 x...
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  • Over 18,000 Employees Affected by China's "Billion-Dollar" Steel Company Declares Bankruptcy

    Source : https://evlife.hk/blog/over-18000-employees-affected-by-china%27s-%22billion-dollar%22-steel-company-declares-bankruptcy

    In a surprising turn of events, China's large-scale steel enterprise, Dongling Group, has announced its bankruptcy. The repercussions extend beyond the company itself, impacting its subsidiaries and leaving more than 18,000 employees facing unemployment. Dongling Group, once a prominent player in the real estate and steel industries, has struggled amid a downturn in the Chinese property market. Let's delve into the details.

    The Rise and Fall of Dongling Group

    A Village's Ascent
    Dongling Village, located in Chen Cang Town, Shaanxi Province, earned the moniker of "Western China's First Village." The village's development was led by Li Heiji, who pioneered a path of collective entrepreneurship, merging village and enterprise. In 1996, Dongling Group emerged, capitalizing on opportunities during China's state-owned enterprise reforms. Through restructuring, mergers, and strategic investments, the group diversified into international trade, steel and zinc smelting, mineral exploration, real estate, finance, and even internet ventures. By 2017, Dongling Group achieved over ¥130 billion in total revenue, becoming Shaanxi's first private enterprise to cross this milestone.

    Real Estate Ventures
    Dongling Group's real estate arm became increasingly active. One notable project was the acquisition of the infamous "Wuxi First Unfinished Skyscraper," now known as Dongling Xishang. This 248-meter-high tower had languished for eight years before Dongling Group took it over in 2018 through bankruptcy reorganization. The project's total construction area reached 177,600 square meters, with an adjusted investment plan of ¥3.573 billion. By the end of 2021, the project had achieved cumulative contracted sales of ¥1.155 billion, with total sales receipts reaching ¥1.11 billion. The tower was finally completed by the end of 2022.

    Recent Challenges
    However, Dongling Group faced significant headwinds. Its steel logistics and non-ferrous metal sectors struggled, with low gross profit margins. Despite ongoing real estate projects, the company decided not to independently develop new ones, instead opting for joint ventures through land equity participation. The recent equity changes within its subsidiary, Baoji Lingshang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., reflect the broader challenges the group is navigating.

    The Fallout
    The bankruptcy announcement has sent shockwaves through the industry, leaving employees uncertain about their futures. Dongling Group's decline has shifted the spotlight to another local giant, the Maiko Group, which now holds the title of Shaanxi's top private enterprise. As the dust settles, the fate of Dongling Group's employees remains uncertain, underscoring the complexities of China's evolving economic landscape.

    While Dongling Village's dream of prosperity faces setbacks, the lessons learned from its rise and fall serve as a cautionary tale for other enterprises navigating China's dynamic business environment

    Over 18,000 Employees Affected by China's "Billion-Dollar" Steel Company Declares Bankruptcy Source : https://evlife.hk/blog/over-18000-employees-affected-by-china%27s-%22billion-dollar%22-steel-company-declares-bankruptcy In a surprising turn of events, China's large-scale steel enterprise, Dongling Group, has announced its bankruptcy. The repercussions extend beyond the company itself, impacting its subsidiaries and leaving more than 18,000 employees facing unemployment. Dongling Group, once a prominent player in the real estate and steel industries, has struggled amid a downturn in the Chinese property market. Let's delve into the details. The Rise and Fall of Dongling Group A Village's Ascent Dongling Village, located in Chen Cang Town, Shaanxi Province, earned the moniker of "Western China's First Village." The village's development was led by Li Heiji, who pioneered a path of collective entrepreneurship, merging village and enterprise. In 1996, Dongling Group emerged, capitalizing on opportunities during China's state-owned enterprise reforms. Through restructuring, mergers, and strategic investments, the group diversified into international trade, steel and zinc smelting, mineral exploration, real estate, finance, and even internet ventures. By 2017, Dongling Group achieved over ¥130 billion in total revenue, becoming Shaanxi's first private enterprise to cross this milestone. Real Estate Ventures Dongling Group's real estate arm became increasingly active. One notable project was the acquisition of the infamous "Wuxi First Unfinished Skyscraper," now known as Dongling Xishang. This 248-meter-high tower had languished for eight years before Dongling Group took it over in 2018 through bankruptcy reorganization. The project's total construction area reached 177,600 square meters, with an adjusted investment plan of ¥3.573 billion. By the end of 2021, the project had achieved cumulative contracted sales of ¥1.155 billion, with total sales receipts reaching ¥1.11 billion. The tower was finally completed by the end of 2022. Recent Challenges However, Dongling Group faced significant headwinds. Its steel logistics and non-ferrous metal sectors struggled, with low gross profit margins. Despite ongoing real estate projects, the company decided not to independently develop new ones, instead opting for joint ventures through land equity participation. The recent equity changes within its subsidiary, Baoji Lingshang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., reflect the broader challenges the group is navigating. The Fallout The bankruptcy announcement has sent shockwaves through the industry, leaving employees uncertain about their futures. Dongling Group's decline has shifted the spotlight to another local giant, the Maiko Group, which now holds the title of Shaanxi's top private enterprise. As the dust settles, the fate of Dongling Group's employees remains uncertain, underscoring the complexities of China's evolving economic landscape. While Dongling Village's dream of prosperity faces setbacks, the lessons learned from its rise and fall serve as a cautionary tale for other enterprises navigating China's dynamic business environment
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