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- 寧德時代 CATL 2024 年營收首現下滑,全球電動車電池巨頭面臨挑戰(圖/寧德時代) 全球電動車電池領導者寧德時代(CATL)近日發布 2024 年度業績預告,首次出現年度營收下滑,導致股價大幅下跌,凸顯該公司在市場競爭加劇與行業轉型中的壓力與挑戰。 首次營收下降,獲利增速放緩 根據公告,2024年寧德時代預計營收約為 3,560 億元至 3,660 億元人民幣,年減幅度達 8.71% 至 11.2%。同時,淨利潤增幅放緩至 11.1% 至 20.1%,為 2019 年以來的最低增速。這是該公司自 2015年公開財務數據以來首次年度營收出現負增長。 營收下滑的主要原因在於鋰價格暴跌,自 2022 年底的高點以來下跌超過 80%。雖然鋰價格下降有助於降低生產成本,但也壓縮了產品售價,進一步削弱收入增長。 (圖/深圳交易所) 市場競爭加劇,議價能力遭挑戰...0 Comments 0 Shares 202 Views 0 Reviews
- 零星用地新規劃!臺南市北區、東區鐵路用地檢討公展開跑(圖/ 臺南市政府都市發展局) 臺南市鐵路地下化工程正在進行,未來地面層規劃為公園道,預計大幅提升城市景觀。不過,原市區鐵路西側仍存在部分無使用需求的零星用地。為處理這些用地,臺南市政府都市發展局(都發局)展開專案通盤檢討,並於113年12月24日起進行為期30天的公開展覽。 都發局指出,此次檢討範圍以臺鐵公司與公有土地為主,涉及少量私有地(約0.07公頃)。調整規劃基於三大原則:首先,位於兩公共設施用地之間的土地,將調整為適當公共設施用地;其次,毗鄰住宅區且為私有產權的土地,將改劃為住宅區;最後,對於不屬於上述兩類的用地,將依土地權屬、現況及周邊環境條件進行綜合考量與調整。 (圖/ 臺南市政府都市發展局)...0 Comments 0 Shares 196 Views 0 Reviews
- 信用管制政策發酵,臺南市113年第四季建物移轉量縮,市場大幅降溫(圖/ Unsplash by Sonika Agarwal) 臺南市不動產交易市場的最新數據顯示,信用管制政策的效應在113年第四季顯現,土地及建物交易量均出現下滑。根據市府提供的數據,第四季土地交易量為12,998筆,較第三季的14,102筆減少7.83%,並且較112年第四季的13,121筆下降0.94%。此外,建物買賣移轉量同樣縮減,共計6,223棟,較上季的7,025棟減少11.42%,較112年第四季的8,300棟更減少了25.02%。 在各行政區的交易統計中,東區的表現最為亮眼。建物移轉量達978棟,季增率高達70.98%,年增率達95.21%,成為本季交易最為活躍的區域。南科區域則顯現升溫跡象,建物移轉量為652棟,其中善化區以394棟佔據南科區六成市場份額。雖然南科區呈現15.19%的季增率,但與112年同期相比仍顯示出34.73%的跌幅。 (圖/...0 Comments 0 Shares 239 Views 0 Reviews
- Thailand Facing EV Price War After Flurry of Chinese Investment
Source : https://evlife.sg/blog/thailand-facing-ev-price-war-after-flurry-of-chinese-investment
The arrival of Chinese carmakers and a surge in local production of electric vehicles (EVs) have upended the Thai auto sector.
It’s a case of “in with the new and out with the old,” which means Thai consumers could benefit from an extended EV price war (if they want an electric vehicle), but older carmakers that used to dominate the sector, such as Toyota and other Japanese companies, are facing tougher margins.
The domestic auto industry is already struggling with tumbling sales, industry experts have told Reuters.
Thailand is Southeast Asia’s largest EV market and sales of electric vehicles are forecast to jump 40% this year, exceeding 100,000 units and reversing a 8% drop in sales last year, Suroj Sangsnit, president of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), said.
The expected surge in sales is largely because of a national incentive programme that requires local production of 1.5 vehicles for each imported vehicle between 2022 and 2023 for companies to qualify for tax breaks – and to avoid paying hefty penalties.
The program, which also includes price subsidies of up to 150,000 baht ($4,400), helped Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy become the region’s biggest EV market, which registered 70,000 new EVs last year. It imported about 84,000 EVs between 2022 and 2023.
Economy sluggish, auto exports also down
But it now threatens to intensify bruising price competition in a weak market where auto sales are slumping because of tight credit conditions and ballooning household debt, analysts said.
Great Wall Motor for January, dropped the price of its Ora Good Cat as much as 270,000 baht, while GAC AION lopped 166,000 baht off the price tag of its AION Y Plus. Both are Chinese companies.
“Price wars will be prolonged, aggressive, and more widespread,” said Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Economic Intelligence Unit senior analyst Tita Phekanonth, adding that there also could be discounts for internal combustion engine vehicles.
Thailand, a major auto production hub in Asia, exports about 60% of locally manufactured vehicles.
The Board of Investment (BOI), which anchored the incentive programme, changed some of the rules in December – extending a battery production timeline and offering incentives for hybrids – to ease concerns of oversupply and a price war.
BOI chief Narit Therdsteerasukdi said that EV companies would start exporting this year as well, potentially easing oversupply.
“They are not restricted to right or left-hand drive either,” he said, pointing out that Chinese carmakers were producing both EV variants in Thailand.
“Other markets like Indonesia have also seen investment from (China’s) BYD and Neta,” said Hathaiwal Tungkaterakul, a senior researcher at Kasikornbank, and those companies’ EV exports compete with Thailand’s.
Thai auto production dropped for the 17th consecutive month in December because of weak demand at home and abroad. Vehicle exports fell 8.8% in 2024, while domestic sales plunged 26%, the lowest in 15 years.
Flurry of Chinese EV investment
Drawn by subsidies and tax incentives aimed at converting 30% of its annual auto production to EVs by 2030, Thailand, whose auto sector had long been dominated by Japanese firms, has seen a flurry of Chinese EV investment in recent years.
China’s BYD, Great Wall Motor and others have poured more than 102.7 billion baht ($3 billion) into the country, according to EVAT.
BYD, Great Wall Motor, Changan and GAC AION, which launched their facilities in Thailand last year, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on their strategies ahead of potential EV price cuts.
Carmakers failing to meet the local production requirements could face up to 400,000 baht ($11,806) per car in penalties and fees, said EVAT’s Suroj, who is also the executive vice president of SAIC Motor-CP, a joint venture of China’s SAIC Motor and Thailand’s CP Group.
“It will be competitive,” said Suroj, adding that locally produced vehicles will only qualify for subsidies if they are sold this year, after which government support will cease.
BYD has already come under government scrutiny for deep discounts of up to 340,000 baht per EV. The biggest EV seller in the country was cleared of wrongdoing by a consumer watchdog last year.Thailand Facing EV Price War After Flurry of Chinese Investment Source : https://evlife.sg/blog/thailand-facing-ev-price-war-after-flurry-of-chinese-investment The arrival of Chinese carmakers and a surge in local production of electric vehicles (EVs) have upended the Thai auto sector. It’s a case of “in with the new and out with the old,” which means Thai consumers could benefit from an extended EV price war (if they want an electric vehicle), but older carmakers that used to dominate the sector, such as Toyota and other Japanese companies, are facing tougher margins. The domestic auto industry is already struggling with tumbling sales, industry experts have told Reuters. Thailand is Southeast Asia’s largest EV market and sales of electric vehicles are forecast to jump 40% this year, exceeding 100,000 units and reversing a 8% drop in sales last year, Suroj Sangsnit, president of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), said. The expected surge in sales is largely because of a national incentive programme that requires local production of 1.5 vehicles for each imported vehicle between 2022 and 2023 for companies to qualify for tax breaks – and to avoid paying hefty penalties. The program, which also includes price subsidies of up to 150,000 baht ($4,400), helped Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy become the region’s biggest EV market, which registered 70,000 new EVs last year. It imported about 84,000 EVs between 2022 and 2023. Economy sluggish, auto exports also down But it now threatens to intensify bruising price competition in a weak market where auto sales are slumping because of tight credit conditions and ballooning household debt, analysts said. Great Wall Motor for January, dropped the price of its Ora Good Cat as much as 270,000 baht, while GAC AION lopped 166,000 baht off the price tag of its AION Y Plus. Both are Chinese companies. “Price wars will be prolonged, aggressive, and more widespread,” said Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Economic Intelligence Unit senior analyst Tita Phekanonth, adding that there also could be discounts for internal combustion engine vehicles. Thailand, a major auto production hub in Asia, exports about 60% of locally manufactured vehicles. The Board of Investment (BOI), which anchored the incentive programme, changed some of the rules in December – extending a battery production timeline and offering incentives for hybrids – to ease concerns of oversupply and a price war. BOI chief Narit Therdsteerasukdi said that EV companies would start exporting this year as well, potentially easing oversupply. “They are not restricted to right or left-hand drive either,” he said, pointing out that Chinese carmakers were producing both EV variants in Thailand. “Other markets like Indonesia have also seen investment from (China’s) BYD and Neta,” said Hathaiwal Tungkaterakul, a senior researcher at Kasikornbank, and those companies’ EV exports compete with Thailand’s. Thai auto production dropped for the 17th consecutive month in December because of weak demand at home and abroad. Vehicle exports fell 8.8% in 2024, while domestic sales plunged 26%, the lowest in 15 years. Flurry of Chinese EV investment Drawn by subsidies and tax incentives aimed at converting 30% of its annual auto production to EVs by 2030, Thailand, whose auto sector had long been dominated by Japanese firms, has seen a flurry of Chinese EV investment in recent years. China’s BYD, Great Wall Motor and others have poured more than 102.7 billion baht ($3 billion) into the country, according to EVAT. BYD, Great Wall Motor, Changan and GAC AION, which launched their facilities in Thailand last year, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on their strategies ahead of potential EV price cuts. Carmakers failing to meet the local production requirements could face up to 400,000 baht ($11,806) per car in penalties and fees, said EVAT’s Suroj, who is also the executive vice president of SAIC Motor-CP, a joint venture of China’s SAIC Motor and Thailand’s CP Group. “It will be competitive,” said Suroj, adding that locally produced vehicles will only qualify for subsidies if they are sold this year, after which government support will cease. BYD has already come under government scrutiny for deep discounts of up to 340,000 baht per EV. The biggest EV seller in the country was cleared of wrongdoing by a consumer watchdog last year.0 Comments 0 Shares 270 Views 0 Reviews - 特斯拉加碼能源儲存市場,宣布建設第三座超級工廠(圖/特斯拉) 在全球能源儲存市場競爭加劇之際,特斯拉執行長馬斯克近日宣布,公司正著手建設第三座超級工廠,進一步擴大其能源儲存業務的全球佈局。這一舉措顯示出特斯拉對儲能領域的高度重視,並致力於鞏固其在該市場的領導地位。 能源儲存成為業務新亮點 儘管特斯拉的核心電動車業務近期面臨收入和利潤率下滑的挑戰,但其能源儲存業務卻呈現爆發式增長。2024 年特斯拉儲能業務的部署量達到 31.4 GWh,相較於 2023 年的 14.7 GWh 增長超過100%。這一成就主要得益於 Megapack 公用事業規模儲能系統的市場需求,以及加州 Megafactory 的產能提升。 馬斯克在 2024 年第四季財報電話會議上指出,特斯拉在上海的第二座超級工廠已正式投入運營,而第三座工廠的建設也在進行中,目標是進一步提高固定電池儲存系統的產量。不過,目前尚未透露新工廠的具體地點或時間表。...0 Comments 0 Shares 92 Views 0 Reviews
- 豐田發動機與本田發動機都幾:行駛1萬公里後,誰更勝一籌?在汽車世界中,發動機被譽為車輛的「心臟」,其性能和品質直接決定了駕駛體驗和耐用度。 作為兩大日系汽車品牌的代表,豐田(Toyota)和本田(Honda)的發動機技術一直備受關注。然而,當車輛行駛達到 1 萬公里後,這兩者之間的差異也逐漸顯現。究竟哪個品牌的發動機更勝一籌?讓我們一探究竟。 (圖/Toyota) 豐田發動機:穩定可靠的代名詞 豐田一直以其「穩定性和耐用性」著稱,而這一特點在其發動機設計上得到了完美體現。豐田的發動機在製造過程中注重平衡與長壽命,並採用了如 VVT-i(智能可變氣門正時系統)等技術,這能根據不同駕駛工況調整氣門開啟和關閉的時間,進而提升燃油經濟性和動力平順性。 當一輛豐田汽車行駛超過 1 萬公里後,大多車主通常會發現:1. 動力輸出依然穩定:幾乎感受不到性能的明顯衰減。2. 油耗維持合理水平:節油效果依舊出色,適合長期日常使用。3....0 Comments 0 Shares 183 Views 0 Reviews
- 本田與日產去年末宣布合併計劃,如今恐生變數(圖/Honda) 日本兩大汽車製造商本田(Honda)與日產(Nissan)於去年 12 月 23 日時聯合召開記者會,正式宣布將成立一家聯合控股公司以整合旗下業務,目標在 2025 年 6 月前達成最終合併協議,並於2026 年 8 月成立控股公司。這項消息震撼了全球汽車市場,若計劃順利,未來可能重塑全球汽車產業版圖。 合併背後的動因:應對全球汽車產業轉型 本田社長三部敏宏(Toshihiro Mibe)與日產社長內田誠(Makoto Uchida)在記者會上強調,這次合併並非「救援日產」,而是雙方為了應對電動化、智能化及全球化轉型所作出的戰略決策。 據《日經新聞》報導,兩家公司早在去年3月就簽署了戰略合作備忘錄,8...0 Comments 0 Shares 189 Views 0 Reviews