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- 美國警方偵查新利器:特斯拉 Tesla 電動車?(圖/特斯拉) 特斯拉的哨兵模式功能可以記錄電動車周圍的活動,通常用於協助解決與車輛本身相關的犯罪或損壞事件。然而,奧克蘭警方正將這一功能發揮到更高層次。 根據《舊金山紀事報》報導,一名加拿大遊客在奧克蘭懇求警方不要強制拖走他的特斯拉。 隨著警方在犯罪現場尋找證據的方式不斷進步,他們如今不僅僅局限於彈殼和指紋,還會檢查附近是否停有特斯拉車輛。由於特斯拉的哨兵模式攝像頭可能捕捉到犯罪行為或關鍵證據,警方逐漸將這些車輛視為潛在的線索來源。甚至在某些情況下,他們會尋求授權以強制拖走這些特斯拉,以確保不會遺失關鍵影片。 (圖/特斯拉) 美國 Richmond 警察協會 主席Ben Therriault 指出,取得搜索令並拖走車輛的做法雖然可能有些過於激進,但他們通常會先徵得車主的許可,並在獲得同意後才使用錄影。...0 Comments 0 Shares 803 Views 0 Reviews
- Toyota Previa 回歸!新一代電動馬達帶來空間大躍進(圖/kaokana/Twitter) 2020 年 Toyota Previa(或稱 Estima)正式停產,但在香港街頭依然隨處可見這款經典車型,車主們對其的喜愛有增無減。市場對於 Previa 重返車壇的呼聲持續高漲,而根據日媒最新報導,這款車型可能將以全新的純電動形式重新登場,並引入突破性的輪轂馬達技術,大幅提升車內空間的使用效能。 (圖/kaokana/Twitter) 預計這款新一代 Previa 將採用 Toyota 為電動車專門研發的平台,並搭載薄型大容量電池組,這項技術曾在 Fine Comfort Ride 概念車上亮相。輪轂馬達技術將馬達直接嵌入車輪內部,這不僅擴展了車內空間,還使得整體乘坐舒適度和車輛實用性大大提升。 (圖/kaokana/Twitter) 根據日媒繪製的預想圖,純電版 Previa...0 Comments 0 Shares 959 Views 0 Reviews
- Volvo 調整了其 2030 全面電動車化的目標,努力維持電動化的領先地位(圖/Volvo ) 隨著市場條件和客戶需求的變化,Volvo 汽車正在調整其電動化的目標,但全電動汽車仍作為其長期戰略的核心。Volvo 目前已有五款純電動車型上市,並有五款車型正在開發中。 原先他們的是希望能在 2030 年時達成全面銷售電動車,但這個目標在昨天宣布改變。 如今,Volvo 的終極目標是到 2040 年實現溫室氣體淨零排放,並計劃到 2030 年達成全球銷量的 90%-100% 為電動車的目標,包括純電動車和插電式混合動力車型。 根據 Volvo 的最新策略調整,預計在 2025 年,電動車型的銷量比例將能夠達到 50%-60%。到 2030 年,全球銷量中純電動車和插電式混合動力車型將佔 90%-100%,而少數的 0%-10% 車型將允許包含輕度混合動力技術。這一新策略取代了先前計劃的全線產品電動化目標,使 Volvo...0 Comments 0 Shares 727 Views 0 Reviews
- Volvo Revises 2030 EV-Only Goal Amid Market Shifts
Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/volvo-revises-2030-ev-only-goal-amid-market-shifts
In a significant strategic shift, Volvo Cars has announced it will no longer pursue its ambitious target of selling only fully electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. The Swedish automaker cited changing market conditions and evolving consumer demands as key reasons for the adjustment.
Volvo now aims for between 90% and 100% of its sales to be fully electric or plug-in hybrid models by 2030, with up to 10% comprising mild hybrid vehicles if necessary. This decision marks a departure from the company's previous commitment, made just three years ago, to phase out internal combustion engines entirely.
Market Realities and Consumer Preferences
The decision comes as the automotive industry grapples with fluctuating demand for EVs, driven in part by the slow rollout of charging infrastructure and the end of some government incentives³. Additionally, the imposition of tariffs on EVs manufactured in China has added to the uncertainty, affecting companies like Volvo that rely on Chinese production facilities.
"We remain resolute in our belief that our future is electric," said Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo Cars. "However, it is clear that the transition to electrification will not be linear, and customers and markets are moving at different speeds".
Strategic Adjustments
Volvo's revised strategy includes a continued focus on plug-in hybrids, which combine electric power with traditional combustion engines. The company plans to revamp its hybrid XC90 SUV, with the first customers expected to receive the updated model by the end of the year.
By 2025, Volvo now expects electrified vehicles—both full EVs and hybrids—to account for between 50% and 60% of its sales volumes. This is a shift from the previous target of at least 50% fully electric cars by the same year.
Industry Implications
Volvo's move mirrors a broader trend in the automotive industry, where several major manufacturers are recalibrating their EV ambitions. Companies like General Motors and Ford have also scaled back their targets, reflecting the complex and evolving landscape of the global car market.
As Volvo navigates these changes, it continues to call for stronger and more stable government policies to support the transition to electric mobility. The company remains committed to its long-term vision of a fully electric future, albeit with a more flexible and pragmatic approach.
Volvo Revises 2030 EV-Only Goal Amid Market Shifts Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/volvo-revises-2030-ev-only-goal-amid-market-shifts In a significant strategic shift, Volvo Cars has announced it will no longer pursue its ambitious target of selling only fully electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030. The Swedish automaker cited changing market conditions and evolving consumer demands as key reasons for the adjustment. Volvo now aims for between 90% and 100% of its sales to be fully electric or plug-in hybrid models by 2030, with up to 10% comprising mild hybrid vehicles if necessary. This decision marks a departure from the company's previous commitment, made just three years ago, to phase out internal combustion engines entirely. Market Realities and Consumer Preferences The decision comes as the automotive industry grapples with fluctuating demand for EVs, driven in part by the slow rollout of charging infrastructure and the end of some government incentives³. Additionally, the imposition of tariffs on EVs manufactured in China has added to the uncertainty, affecting companies like Volvo that rely on Chinese production facilities. "We remain resolute in our belief that our future is electric," said Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo Cars. "However, it is clear that the transition to electrification will not be linear, and customers and markets are moving at different speeds". Strategic Adjustments Volvo's revised strategy includes a continued focus on plug-in hybrids, which combine electric power with traditional combustion engines. The company plans to revamp its hybrid XC90 SUV, with the first customers expected to receive the updated model by the end of the year. By 2025, Volvo now expects electrified vehicles—both full EVs and hybrids—to account for between 50% and 60% of its sales volumes. This is a shift from the previous target of at least 50% fully electric cars by the same year. Industry Implications Volvo's move mirrors a broader trend in the automotive industry, where several major manufacturers are recalibrating their EV ambitions. Companies like General Motors and Ford have also scaled back their targets, reflecting the complex and evolving landscape of the global car market. As Volvo navigates these changes, it continues to call for stronger and more stable government policies to support the transition to electric mobility. The company remains committed to its long-term vision of a fully electric future, albeit with a more flexible and pragmatic approach.0 Comments 0 Shares 1094 Views 0 Reviews - CX-6e 商標引爆期待!Mazda 純電版休旅明年上市,設計靈感來自 Arata(圖/mazda_taiwan/IG)Mazda 近期在市場上推出的 CX-60 等新世代休旅車系列廣受好評,但在電動車領域,選擇卻相對有限,目前僅有一款增程式混合動力的 MX-30。近日,外媒曝光了 Mazda 註冊 CX-6e 商標的消息,讓外界猜測這可能是 CX-60 的純電版本。 外媒指出,CX-6e 商標的註冊很可能與歐洲市場的 Mazda 6e 商標有關聯。後者預計是即將登場的 EZ-6 電動轎車的歐洲版名稱,而 CX-6e 的命名方式也似乎遵循了相同的邏輯。前綴的 "CX" 明確指出其為休旅車型,並且可能基於 Arata 概念休旅進行打造。 (圖/mazda_taiwan/IG) 去年,Mazda 北美執行長 Tom Donnelly 已經證實,品牌計劃於 2025 年推出全新電動車,這款車可能是一款跨界休旅車。根據目前的商標申請情況來看,CX-6e...0 Comments 0 Shares 1085 Views 0 Reviews
- 豐田與日產領頭與其他幾家日本公司攜手投資一兆日圓,致力提升日本電動車電池 50%產能(圖/Lexus) 在日本政府的支持下,豐田汽車和日產汽車等幾家日本企業將聯手投資一兆日圓,用以大幅提升國內電動車電池的產能。這項投資計畫目標在促使日本的電動車電池產能提高50%,以應對全球日益增長的電動車需求,並加速日本在電動車市場的競爭力。並脫離目前目前由中國和韓國主導該市場的現狀。 日本電動車市場的衰退 隨著全球汽車行業向全電動化轉型,日本被認為是這場競賽中的落後者之一。根據日本輕型汽車和摩托車協會的數據,截至2024年6月,日本國內乘用電動車銷量僅為29,282輛,同比下降39%,在乘用車銷量中的比例也從2023年上半年的2.3%降至1.6%。6月日本國內電動車銷量 5,010 輛,跟去年同期相比下降37%,連續八個月的衰退。日本汽車進口商協會 (JAIA) 發言人在接受 Argus...0 Comments 0 Shares 1111 Views 0 Reviews
- Thai EV sales set to miss target as banks tighten auto loans
Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/thai-ev-sales-set-to-miss-target-as-banks-tighten-auto-loans
Thailand’s electric vehicle sales are set to miss targets this year as lenders turn more cautious in sanctioning new auto loans with the nation’s household debt hovering near a record, according to an industry group.
New battery-powered passenger EV registrations are seen at 80,000 units this year, said Suroj Sangsnit, president of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand. That’s below the 150,000 units forecast by the group earlier this year. The tally is still about 5% more than over 76,000 units sold in 2023.
The cut in sales forecast is bad news for Chinese makers like BYD Co. and Great Wall Motor Co., which have just started producing locally-made cars this year after investing in factories to capitalize on Thai government incentives to drive adoption of new-energy vehicles. Globally too, EV sales growth has slowed as demand cooled and countries scaled back subsidies.
Earlier this week, Volvo Car AB abandoned a target to sell only fully electric vehicles by the end of this decade, joining several peers in dialing back their expectations.
Thailand’s auto industry group has cut its full-year production forecast of all vehicles to 1.7 million units this year from 1.9 million units predicted earlier, citing a "worrisome” 50% refusal rate for auto loans. Domestic automobile sales have fallen 24% in the first seven months of the year, according to data from the Federation of Thai Industries. Sales of EVs have so far buckled the trend to post a 13% growth during the same period.
Thailand has slashed import and excise taxes and given cash subsidies to buyers in exchange for automakers’ commitment to start local production - all part of a renewed push to uphold its long-time standing as a regional auto hub. That saw sales soar sevenfold in 2023.
The slowdown this year has less to do with demand but more with Thailand’s chronic economic issues such as a tepid growth rate and high levels of household debt. That’s led to an uptick in non-performing loans among vehicle buyers, prompting commercial banks and other private finance companies to tighten lending rules.
"It’s not that demand is declining, but when you can’t get loans approved, then it’s game over,” said Krisda Utamote, honorary adviser at the EV association. "Our economic situation isn’t looking good. EV sales are at least still up this year, while it’s all decline for the other types of vehicles.”
The outlook remains bleak with the Bank of Thailand predicting further increase in non-performing loans as small businesses and individual borrowers struggle to repay debt.
"Who will the EV makers who have set up factories here sell their cars to if sales continue to be like this?” association president Suroj told reporters. "We want to prioritize a discussion with the government on tackling household debt, which is the main reason why auto sales are falling.”
Thai EV sales set to miss target as banks tighten auto loans Source : https://www.evlife.sg/blog/thai-ev-sales-set-to-miss-target-as-banks-tighten-auto-loans Thailand’s electric vehicle sales are set to miss targets this year as lenders turn more cautious in sanctioning new auto loans with the nation’s household debt hovering near a record, according to an industry group. New battery-powered passenger EV registrations are seen at 80,000 units this year, said Suroj Sangsnit, president of the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand. That’s below the 150,000 units forecast by the group earlier this year. The tally is still about 5% more than over 76,000 units sold in 2023. The cut in sales forecast is bad news for Chinese makers like BYD Co. and Great Wall Motor Co., which have just started producing locally-made cars this year after investing in factories to capitalize on Thai government incentives to drive adoption of new-energy vehicles. Globally too, EV sales growth has slowed as demand cooled and countries scaled back subsidies. Earlier this week, Volvo Car AB abandoned a target to sell only fully electric vehicles by the end of this decade, joining several peers in dialing back their expectations. Thailand’s auto industry group has cut its full-year production forecast of all vehicles to 1.7 million units this year from 1.9 million units predicted earlier, citing a "worrisome” 50% refusal rate for auto loans. Domestic automobile sales have fallen 24% in the first seven months of the year, according to data from the Federation of Thai Industries. Sales of EVs have so far buckled the trend to post a 13% growth during the same period. Thailand has slashed import and excise taxes and given cash subsidies to buyers in exchange for automakers’ commitment to start local production - all part of a renewed push to uphold its long-time standing as a regional auto hub. That saw sales soar sevenfold in 2023. The slowdown this year has less to do with demand but more with Thailand’s chronic economic issues such as a tepid growth rate and high levels of household debt. That’s led to an uptick in non-performing loans among vehicle buyers, prompting commercial banks and other private finance companies to tighten lending rules. "It’s not that demand is declining, but when you can’t get loans approved, then it’s game over,” said Krisda Utamote, honorary adviser at the EV association. "Our economic situation isn’t looking good. EV sales are at least still up this year, while it’s all decline for the other types of vehicles.” The outlook remains bleak with the Bank of Thailand predicting further increase in non-performing loans as small businesses and individual borrowers struggle to repay debt. "Who will the EV makers who have set up factories here sell their cars to if sales continue to be like this?” association president Suroj told reporters. "We want to prioritize a discussion with the government on tackling household debt, which is the main reason why auto sales are falling.”0 Comments 0 Shares 895 Views 0 Reviews - 限量 30 輛!Subaru WRX 潮黑科技版只需 156.8 萬元起即可入主(圖/subaru官網) Subaru 總代理意美汽車於本月正式發表 WRX 潮黑科技版,此次限量特仕版車型僅 30 輛,搭載多項專屬配備與科技升級,以滿足車迷們對於性能與風格的極致追求。新車現已上市,收藏價格為新台幣 156.8 萬元起,並附帶 5 年或 12 萬公里的原廠保固。 (圖/subaru官網) WRX 潮黑科技版基於 WRX 標準版車型進行多項升級,最引人注目的是全車外觀的潮黑消光霧面貼模處理,使用 TPU 犀牛皮材質,增加耐用性與質感。此外,該車型還配備了潮黑競速式樣 3D 運動空力鴨尾,使整體設計在低調之中蘊含強烈的運動氣息。 智能駕駛方面,WRX 潮黑科技版引入了 360 度環景影像系統與高解析度電子後視鏡,後者具備智慧切換功能,確保駕駛在各種路況下皆能擁有清晰視野。這些先進科技的加持,為車主帶來了更加便捷與安全的駕駛體驗。 (圖/subaru官網)...0 Comments 0 Shares 856 Views 0 Reviews