• Thailand Facing EV Price War After Flurry of Chinese Investment

    Source : https://evlife.sg/blog/thailand-facing-ev-price-war-after-flurry-of-chinese-investment

    The arrival of Chinese carmakers and a surge in local production of electric vehicles (EVs) have upended the Thai auto sector.

    It’s a case of “in with the new and out with the old,” which means Thai consumers could benefit from an extended EV price war (if they want an electric vehicle), but older carmakers that used to dominate the sector, such as Toyota and other Japanese companies, are facing tougher margins.

    The domestic auto industry is already struggling with tumbling sales, industry experts have told Reuters.

    Thailand is Southeast Asia’s largest EV market and sales of electric vehicles are forecast to jump 40% this year, exceeding 100,000 units and reversing a 8% drop in sales last year, Suroj Sangsnit, president of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), said.

    The expected surge in sales is largely because of a national incentive programme that requires local production of 1.5 vehicles for each imported vehicle between 2022 and 2023 for companies to qualify for tax breaks – and to avoid paying hefty penalties.

    The program, which also includes price subsidies of up to 150,000 baht ($4,400), helped Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy become the region’s biggest EV market, which registered 70,000 new EVs last year. It imported about 84,000 EVs between 2022 and 2023.

    Economy sluggish, auto exports also down
    But it now threatens to intensify bruising price competition in a weak market where auto sales are slumping because of tight credit conditions and ballooning household debt, analysts said.

    Great Wall Motor for January, dropped the price of its Ora Good Cat as much as 270,000 baht, while GAC AION lopped 166,000 baht off the price tag of its AION Y Plus. Both are Chinese companies.

    “Price wars will be prolonged, aggressive, and more widespread,” said Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Economic Intelligence Unit senior analyst Tita Phekanonth, adding that there also could be discounts for internal combustion engine vehicles.

    Thailand, a major auto production hub in Asia, exports about 60% of locally manufactured vehicles.

    The Board of Investment (BOI), which anchored the incentive programme, changed some of the rules in December – extending a battery production timeline and offering incentives for hybrids – to ease concerns of oversupply and a price war.

    BOI chief Narit Therdsteerasukdi said that EV companies would start exporting this year as well, potentially easing oversupply.

    “They are not restricted to right or left-hand drive either,” he said, pointing out that Chinese carmakers were producing both EV variants in Thailand.

    “Other markets like Indonesia have also seen investment from (China’s) BYD and Neta,” said Hathaiwal Tungkaterakul, a senior researcher at Kasikornbank, and those companies’ EV exports compete with Thailand’s.

    Thai auto production dropped for the 17th consecutive month in December because of weak demand at home and abroad. Vehicle exports fell 8.8% in 2024, while domestic sales plunged 26%, the lowest in 15 years.

    Flurry of Chinese EV investment
    Drawn by subsidies and tax incentives aimed at converting 30% of its annual auto production to EVs by 2030, Thailand, whose auto sector had long been dominated by Japanese firms, has seen a flurry of Chinese EV investment in recent years.

    China’s BYD, Great Wall Motor and others have poured more than 102.7 billion baht ($3 billion) into the country, according to EVAT.

    BYD, Great Wall Motor, Changan and GAC AION, which launched their facilities in Thailand last year, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on their strategies ahead of potential EV price cuts.

    Carmakers failing to meet the local production requirements could face up to 400,000 baht ($11,806) per car in penalties and fees, said EVAT’s Suroj, who is also the executive vice president of SAIC Motor-CP, a joint venture of China’s SAIC Motor and Thailand’s CP Group.

    “It will be competitive,” said Suroj, adding that locally produced vehicles will only qualify for subsidies if they are sold this year, after which government support will cease.

    BYD has already come under government scrutiny for deep discounts of up to 340,000 baht per EV. The biggest EV seller in the country was cleared of wrongdoing by a consumer watchdog last year.
    Thailand Facing EV Price War After Flurry of Chinese Investment Source : https://evlife.sg/blog/thailand-facing-ev-price-war-after-flurry-of-chinese-investment The arrival of Chinese carmakers and a surge in local production of electric vehicles (EVs) have upended the Thai auto sector. It’s a case of “in with the new and out with the old,” which means Thai consumers could benefit from an extended EV price war (if they want an electric vehicle), but older carmakers that used to dominate the sector, such as Toyota and other Japanese companies, are facing tougher margins. The domestic auto industry is already struggling with tumbling sales, industry experts have told Reuters. Thailand is Southeast Asia’s largest EV market and sales of electric vehicles are forecast to jump 40% this year, exceeding 100,000 units and reversing a 8% drop in sales last year, Suroj Sangsnit, president of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), said. The expected surge in sales is largely because of a national incentive programme that requires local production of 1.5 vehicles for each imported vehicle between 2022 and 2023 for companies to qualify for tax breaks – and to avoid paying hefty penalties. The program, which also includes price subsidies of up to 150,000 baht ($4,400), helped Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy become the region’s biggest EV market, which registered 70,000 new EVs last year. It imported about 84,000 EVs between 2022 and 2023. Economy sluggish, auto exports also down But it now threatens to intensify bruising price competition in a weak market where auto sales are slumping because of tight credit conditions and ballooning household debt, analysts said. Great Wall Motor for January, dropped the price of its Ora Good Cat as much as 270,000 baht, while GAC AION lopped 166,000 baht off the price tag of its AION Y Plus. Both are Chinese companies. “Price wars will be prolonged, aggressive, and more widespread,” said Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) Economic Intelligence Unit senior analyst Tita Phekanonth, adding that there also could be discounts for internal combustion engine vehicles. Thailand, a major auto production hub in Asia, exports about 60% of locally manufactured vehicles. The Board of Investment (BOI), which anchored the incentive programme, changed some of the rules in December – extending a battery production timeline and offering incentives for hybrids – to ease concerns of oversupply and a price war. BOI chief Narit Therdsteerasukdi said that EV companies would start exporting this year as well, potentially easing oversupply. “They are not restricted to right or left-hand drive either,” he said, pointing out that Chinese carmakers were producing both EV variants in Thailand. “Other markets like Indonesia have also seen investment from (China’s) BYD and Neta,” said Hathaiwal Tungkaterakul, a senior researcher at Kasikornbank, and those companies’ EV exports compete with Thailand’s. Thai auto production dropped for the 17th consecutive month in December because of weak demand at home and abroad. Vehicle exports fell 8.8% in 2024, while domestic sales plunged 26%, the lowest in 15 years. Flurry of Chinese EV investment Drawn by subsidies and tax incentives aimed at converting 30% of its annual auto production to EVs by 2030, Thailand, whose auto sector had long been dominated by Japanese firms, has seen a flurry of Chinese EV investment in recent years. China’s BYD, Great Wall Motor and others have poured more than 102.7 billion baht ($3 billion) into the country, according to EVAT. BYD, Great Wall Motor, Changan and GAC AION, which launched their facilities in Thailand last year, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on their strategies ahead of potential EV price cuts. Carmakers failing to meet the local production requirements could face up to 400,000 baht ($11,806) per car in penalties and fees, said EVAT’s Suroj, who is also the executive vice president of SAIC Motor-CP, a joint venture of China’s SAIC Motor and Thailand’s CP Group. “It will be competitive,” said Suroj, adding that locally produced vehicles will only qualify for subsidies if they are sold this year, after which government support will cease. BYD has already come under government scrutiny for deep discounts of up to 340,000 baht per EV. The biggest EV seller in the country was cleared of wrongdoing by a consumer watchdog last year.
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  • 電動車大聯盟!Nissan、Honda、Mitsubishi重磅出擊







    (圖/new.qq.com) (圖/motortrend) (圖/caranddriver)

    電動車大聯盟!Nissan、Honda、Mitsubishi重磅出擊 日本汽車產業正迎來前所未有的轉型!根據《日經新聞》報導,Mitsubishi已正式加入Honda與Nissan的聯盟,此舉將改變日本車壇的格局,形成Toyota集團和Honda-Nissan-Mitsubishi聯盟的雙強對峙。 隨著電動車時代的快速發展,特斯拉和中國車廠的迅速崛起,傳統日本車廠在規模和供應鏈上面臨巨大壓力。為了在激烈的市場競爭中保持優勢,Honda和Nissan在今年3月宣布全面合作,而當時由Nissan持股34.01%的Mitsubishi未明確表態。現在,Mitsubishi的加入進一步強化了這一聯盟的實力。 據悉,Mitsubishi已經與Honda和Nissan簽署保密協議,並展開深入合作討論。三家公司將在車載軟體標準化方面進行協作,降低開發成本並提升產品競爭力。Honda和Nissan將共同開發基礎軟體,並應用於Mitsubishi的車款上。此外,三家公司將互補各自的車型陣容,擴大市場占有率。Honda將考慮採購Mitsubishi的皮卡和插電式混合動力車(PHEV)進行貼牌銷售。 這一跨國聯盟的形成,反映出全球汽車產業正處於百年一遇的重大轉型中。隨著全球零碳排放的目標逐步推進,傳統燃油車正逐步被電動車取代。然而,日本車廠在電動車領域的發展速度相對較慢,遠遠落後於特斯拉和中國車廠。 面對這樣的挑戰,Honda、Nissan和Mitsubishi的聯盟成為應對未來挑戰的重要策略。通過資源共享和技術合作,這三家公司將更有效地開發出符合市場需求的電動車產品。 在這次合作中,三家公司將共同提升電動車的市場競爭力,確保在未來的汽車產業中占據有利地位。這一聯盟的成立,標誌著日本汽車產業進入了一個全新的時代,將對全球電動車市場產生深遠影響。 (圖/new.qq.com) (圖/motortrend) (圖/caranddriver) 優質日產車主顧問-台中沙鹿裕唐車主顧問-陳欣妤 https://reurl.cc/XRX1xg
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  • 日本Toyota與中國第一汽車集團合資成立的一汽豐田近日宣布,一款全新的電動車已完成試裝並下線,這標誌著該車款已進入試生產階段。雖然一汽豐田對這款車的描述相對模糊,只稱其為「轎跑風格」,但根據當地媒體推測,這可能是即將於年底在中國上市的Toyota bZ3C。同時,Toyota已在台灣申請了bZ3C的商標,為未來可能在台販售鋪路。

    Toyota在北京車展上推出了bZ3C概念車,這款電動車以「Reboot」為設計理念,專為Z世代的年輕人量身打造,旨在提供他們全新的移動生活體驗。bZ3C是由Toyota、比亞迪、一汽豐田及豐田智能電動車研發中心(IEM by TOYOTA)共同開發的,並計劃在一年內進行量產。和泰車在2023年12月表示,將引進更多純電動車款,並探討電動車國產化的可能性,這也為bZ3C在台灣市場的未來增添了更多期待。


    目前,Toyota bZ3C的動力配置和車體結構仍未公開,預計會沿用bZ3的合作模式,由Toyota提供車身架構,比亞迪負責電動馬達和電池系統。特別值得一提的是,bZ3C可能會採用與華為和自動駕駛公司Momenta合作的行車安全輔助系統,這套系統未來可能會應用於全球市場。


    (圖/paultan.org) (圖/electro-car.by)(圖/autocar)
    日本Toyota與中國第一汽車集團合資成立的一汽豐田近日宣布,一款全新的電動車已完成試裝並下線,這標誌著該車款已進入試生產階段。雖然一汽豐田對這款車的描述相對模糊,只稱其為「轎跑風格」,但根據當地媒體推測,這可能是即將於年底在中國上市的Toyota bZ3C。同時,Toyota已在台灣申請了bZ3C的商標,為未來可能在台販售鋪路。 Toyota在北京車展上推出了bZ3C概念車,這款電動車以「Reboot」為設計理念,專為Z世代的年輕人量身打造,旨在提供他們全新的移動生活體驗。bZ3C是由Toyota、比亞迪、一汽豐田及豐田智能電動車研發中心(IEM by TOYOTA)共同開發的,並計劃在一年內進行量產。和泰車在2023年12月表示,將引進更多純電動車款,並探討電動車國產化的可能性,這也為bZ3C在台灣市場的未來增添了更多期待。 根據目前的計劃推測,一汽豐田此次宣布完成試裝生產的新能源車,應該就是bZ3C。從外觀上看,bZ3C擁有動感的轎跑造型,並配備了鐳射雷達,這與一汽豐田的「轎跑風格」描述相符。內部設計充滿未來感,量產車是否會完全保留這些設計細節,將成為未來觀察的重點。 目前,Toyota bZ3C的動力配置和車體結構仍未公開,預計會沿用bZ3的合作模式,由Toyota提供車身架構,比亞迪負責電動馬達和電池系統。特別值得一提的是,bZ3C可能會採用與華為和自動駕駛公司Momenta合作的行車安全輔助系統,這套系統未來可能會應用於全球市場。 為了打入中國市場,Toyota計劃在2024年北京車展推出bZ3C和bZ3X兩款電動休旅車,這是Toyota與比亞迪、廣汽豐田、一汽豐田及豐田智能電車中心共同開發的成果。這兩款車針對不同的客群,bZ3X以家庭用戶為目標,注重空間表現;而bZ3C則針對年輕買家,外型更加流線動感。台灣豐田已在台灣商標局註冊了這兩款車的商標,顯示出Toyota對全球銷售的佈局計劃。如果bZ3C未來在台上市,可能會採用在台組裝或國產化的方式進行銷售,這將令其在市場上更具競爭力。 (圖/paultan.org) (圖/electro-car.by)(圖/autocar)
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  • 日本Toyota與中國第一汽車集團合資成立的一汽豐田近日宣布,一款全新的電動車已完成試裝並下線,這標誌著該車款已進入試生產階段。雖然一汽豐田對這款車的描述相對模糊,只稱其為「轎跑風格」,但根據當地媒體推測,這可能是即將於年底在中國上市的Toyota bZ3C。同時,Toyota已在台灣申請了bZ3C的商標,為未來可能在台販售鋪路。

    Toyota在北京車展上推出了bZ3C概念車,這款電動車以「Reboot」為設計理念,專為Z世代的年輕人量身打造,旨在提供他們全新的移動生活體驗。bZ3C是由Toyota、比亞迪、一汽豐田及豐田智能電動車研發中心(IEM by TOYOTA)共同開發的,並計劃在一年內進行量產。和泰車在2023年12月表示,將引進更多純電動車款,並探討電動車國產化的可能性,這也為bZ3C在台灣市場的未來增添了更多期待。


    目前,Toyota bZ3C的動力配置和車體結構仍未公開,預計會沿用bZ3的合作模式,由Toyota提供車身架構,比亞迪負責電動馬達和電池系統。特別值得一提的是,bZ3C可能會採用與華為和自動駕駛公司Momenta合作的行車安全輔助系統,這套系統未來可能會應用於全球市場。


    (圖/paultan.org) (圖/electro-car.by)(圖/autocar)
    日本Toyota與中國第一汽車集團合資成立的一汽豐田近日宣布,一款全新的電動車已完成試裝並下線,這標誌著該車款已進入試生產階段。雖然一汽豐田對這款車的描述相對模糊,只稱其為「轎跑風格」,但根據當地媒體推測,這可能是即將於年底在中國上市的Toyota bZ3C。同時,Toyota已在台灣申請了bZ3C的商標,為未來可能在台販售鋪路。 Toyota在北京車展上推出了bZ3C概念車,這款電動車以「Reboot」為設計理念,專為Z世代的年輕人量身打造,旨在提供他們全新的移動生活體驗。bZ3C是由Toyota、比亞迪、一汽豐田及豐田智能電動車研發中心(IEM by TOYOTA)共同開發的,並計劃在一年內進行量產。和泰車在2023年12月表示,將引進更多純電動車款,並探討電動車國產化的可能性,這也為bZ3C在台灣市場的未來增添了更多期待。 根據目前的計劃推測,一汽豐田此次宣布完成試裝生產的新能源車,應該就是bZ3C。從外觀上看,bZ3C擁有動感的轎跑造型,並配備了鐳射雷達,這與一汽豐田的「轎跑風格」描述相符。內部設計充滿未來感,量產車是否會完全保留這些設計細節,將成為未來觀察的重點。 目前,Toyota bZ3C的動力配置和車體結構仍未公開,預計會沿用bZ3的合作模式,由Toyota提供車身架構,比亞迪負責電動馬達和電池系統。特別值得一提的是,bZ3C可能會採用與華為和自動駕駛公司Momenta合作的行車安全輔助系統,這套系統未來可能會應用於全球市場。 為了打入中國市場,Toyota計劃在2024年北京車展推出bZ3C和bZ3X兩款電動休旅車,這是Toyota與比亞迪、廣汽豐田、一汽豐田及豐田智能電車中心共同開發的成果。這兩款車針對不同的客群,bZ3X以家庭用戶為目標,注重空間表現;而bZ3C則針對年輕買家,外型更加流線動感。台灣豐田已在台灣商標局註冊了這兩款車的商標,顯示出Toyota對全球銷售的佈局計劃。如果bZ3C未來在台上市,可能會採用在台組裝或國產化的方式進行銷售,這將令其在市場上更具競爭力。 (圖/paultan.org) (圖/electro-car.by)(圖/autocar)
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